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  • easytradingchina

Replicas of brands: is that for sure that the product will have good quality?

Due to the fact that even replicas of branded goods are always more expensive than mass-market goods, we receive a bunch of questions from new customers related to the quality of the goods. Wouldn't this replica look cheap? Will it be a 1: 1 copy? What if a defective item arrives? Will it be possible to return or exchange? Will it be very different from the original picture? Have we touched this product ourselves to be sure of its high quality? With this post, we would like to dispel doubts and fears associated with the purchase of replica brands

Firstly, we, of course, buy most of the goods from the photo. After all, in order to see the goods live and personally, we would have to travel to different cities of China every day, which is physically impossible. And factories are not located on every corner in China, but, as a rule, are located in special suburban areas. Moreover, contacts of trusted and reliable suppliers are already in our phone, so there is no need to get out for an order in modern China.

However, quality is very important to us. And we believe that the responsibility for its level also lies with us. In this regard, we check each product personally before shipment. First, we make sure ourselves that the product has no defects, and then we make detailed photo and video reports for the client. And only if the product is approved by the client - we send it to the country of destination.

A good scenario was described above, but what if a defective product arrived? Another important function of ours is to defend the interests of the client. We help organize the exchange of low-quality goods, or demand a refund from the supplier. After all, while the goods are on the territory of China - these problems are easy to solve; our extensive experience in negotiating with local suppliers also helps us. Sometimes even those sellers who have not doubted for years can send defective products. There is only one way out: to control the quality always, even if it is a new supplier, even if it is time-tested. Trust, but verify, as they say :)

I also want to describe once again the process of ordering brands: the product is usually searched for by photo or name. It is possible to create individual selections in the desired category, for example: Nike sneakers for women, ROLEX watches for men, GUCCI suits for women, and so on.

We do not work with the request "Please show me all what you have", since it is simply unrealistic to collect goods of all categories, brands and price ranges into one file! But we will be happy to help you find specific products exactly for your request. And we are always happy to help new clients with advise. Still have questions? Contact us any time!

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